Pre-K Newsletter
Pick up and Drop off area for PreK
The PreK pick up and drop off area is located in the Kindergarten area. During the meet-the-teacher night there will be more information.
PreK Hours
AM Class: 8:45am-11:30am
PM Class: 12:45am-3:30pm
All Day Class: 8:45am-3:30pm
Backpacks and Water Bottles
Please make sure the children have everything marked with their names on all their items. A ziplock bag to provide for extra clothing in case of any accidents during the year will be provided in your packet on the meet-the-teacher night. Make sure to fill the ziplock bag with this extra clothing and include it in the child's backpack on the first day of school.
Snacks will be provided for all children twice a day (morning and afternoon).
All Day Students Only
The children will need to bring their own blanket to use during nap time. We will provide mats and sheets for them. They will also need lunch. For safety issues, all the fruits as well as hot dogs need to be cut into small pieces. Our classroom is a peanut free zone. Thanks for helping us keep the children safe!
Gray Folders
Every Thursday we will be sending home a gray folder with your child’s work, flyers, important information, etc. Please make sure to check your child’s backpack and don’t forget to send the folders back promptly the next day.
Half Day Release for PreK Only
We will have some early release days for PreK only. We will let you know ahead of time so you can prepare accordingly for these specific days. In your packet you will also get a PreK calendar with those days marked. The hours for these specific days are as follows:
AM Class: 8:45am - 10:15am
PM Class: 10:30am - 12:00pm
All Day Class: 8:45am - 12:00pm
PLC Days
PreK classroom is not affected by PLC. Friday our classroom will stay until 3:30pm. We understand that many of our students have siblings at the school or schools nearby and that you might want to get your children at the same time.
If that is the case, please let us know the first week, and we will gladly bring your child to the kindergarten gate (our normal pick up and drop off area) and you can sign them out so you don't have to come back.
Follow us on Social Media
Legend Springs Elementary: Twitter@LegendSprings
Legend Springs PreK: Twitter@ls_prek
Thanks, PreK Team